Is Your Metal Roofing Contractor Qualified For The Project?

September 15, 2022


Undeniably, purchasing or constructing a house is a once-in-a-lifetime substantial investment for an average individual. You can not buy a new house every few years unless you are related to Bill Gates. People spend their whole life paying for the mortgages they undertook to finance their houses. Thus, the components that make up the house must be of good quality so that the house seamlessly serves its purpose for a prolonged period.

In this regard, one of the most expensive and perhaps the most crucial elements of a house is its roof. While a house’s walls provide security and privacy from the sides, the roof safeguards your house and belongings therein from intrusions and environmental threats from above. Although no known roof is as beautiful as the sky, living without a man-made roof is out of the question in today’s age and era.

However, if a roofing contractor constructs your roof using inferior quality materials or incorrectly installs it, all the effort put in will be rendered pointless. Evidently, all your money will go down the drain, and you will be left with nothing but sheer painful regrets.

Therefore, it is imperative to rely on only a reputed and highly qualified metal roofing contractor. But how do you determine whether a contractor’s claimed qualifications are on par with their operations?

In order to help you assess the credibility of a prospective metal roofing company, this blog post outlines a few crucial questions to ask yourself before taking the company onboard.

Is The Metal Roofing Contractor Licensed And certified?

If you queue up a few roofing contractors and ask them to verbally testify their professionalism and certifications, all of them will try to sound better than the rest of the crowd. Now, if you request the same people to provide their licensing and accreditation details so that you can verify them, many will begin to beat around the bush.

If a company fails to provide its licensing details, never rely on it for your roofing needs, no matter how professional they appear to be. Had they been as good as they show to be, why wouldn’t they have a license?

Thus, the first thing you need to ask yourself when requesting industrial, residential, or commercial roofing services is whether the contractor has the necessary licenses and permissions to operate in an area.

Does The Business Operate In Good Faith?

This question is an extension of the preceding one. Obviously, a company’s license will be canceled if it fails to operate in good faith. Sadly, some unreliable contractors know how to cut corners and conceal their malice. Hence, the next question to cross your mind should be about the business’s accreditation from reliable authorities.

In Canada, the best way to ascertain a business’s trustworthiness is to look at its Better Business Bureau ® rating. Stahl Roof Systems is proud to have an A+ BBB rating and five-star reviews.

Do They Have A Strong Physical Or Online Presence?

One of the trademarks of prestige and supremacy is a welcoming physical office or a well-built and easy-to-navigate, and informative website. Although such things are not necessary if your prospective contractor is a newbie, they, nonetheless, give a hint of elevated professionalism and proficiency.

Can They Provide A Portfolio Of Their Completed Projects?

Before entrusting someone with your highly sensitive roofing project, you should also request to have a look at their completed projects. Although a license, word of mouth, and accreditation are excellent testimonies, nothing compares to the effects of a visual depiction of their work. Have a look at our gallery.

Do They Have Supporting Testimonials And Independent Reviews?

Speaking of testimonies, the words of a former client hold less exaggerated praise than the contractors themselves. So you should seek another perspective on their service quality besides their own word on their websites. In this regard, customer testimonials come in handy.

If you would like to go a step further, you can also check independent reviews on third-party platforms like Clutch. These platforms provide an unbiased opportunity for every former client to express their views on a firm’s service delivery.

Stahl Roof Systems unfalteringly maintains a high rating on all platforms thanks to its dedicated team of professional roofers.

Any Big Names In Their Clientele?

Undoubtedly, if a contractor can show that they have worked with some renowned businesses, you will obtain a fresh wave of reassurance and peace of mind. Hence, it wouldn’t hurt to ask a roofing contractor whether they have worked with some renowned names. Such consolation would be an emblem of quality and trust.

How Strong Is Their Commitment To Safety Standards?

Last but not least, you must ask yourself and the contractor about the latter’s commitment to the safety of its employees, the environment, and the public. Accordingly, you can read through their website, mission & vision, core values, and other material to judge their adherence to safety principles.

Read Also: Safety Precautions To Take When Walking On Metal Roofs

About Stahl Roof Systems

With a mission to build sustainable roof systems while looking out for the environment, we are a team of professional roofers boasting incomparable experience. Learn more about Stahl Roof Systems and our team.

Need high-end metal roofing services? Contact us now.


