Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Commercial Roofing Contractor

April 9, 2020

Questions To Ask Before Hiring A Commercial Roofing Contractor

Businesses spend a lot of money on improving the outlook of their commercial buildings. This is because many corporations have a strong belief that a positive look on the outside attracts customers. One of the most vital aspects of industrial premises is the quality of its roofing structure.

Both industrial and commercial roofs require adequate amounts of investment. When done right, it helps you make a favorable first impression on your business partners, clients, and other incoming visitors. Contrarily, when done wrong, it results in additional costs and enhanced frustration.

Selecting a dependable commercial roofing company can become complicated if you don’t do enough research and ask the relevant questions from your potential roofers. That’s why we provide you with some essential questions that you should ask before hiring commercial roofing contractors for your company.

Do You Have A Licence?

First things first, the roofing experts you choose must have a genuine license to practice roofing services in your area. For this reason, you will need to gather enough information about the license requirements. In this way, you will come to know about the genuineness of the license the company possesses.

When you are entirely sure about the authenticity of your next roofer’s working license, it means that they will comply with the required rules and regulations applicable to commercial roofing in your area.

Do You Cover Liability Insurance?

Some roofers don’t provide their workers with compensation insurance packages, which becomes a significant issue when one of their staff members gets injured onsite. Ask your potential industrial roofers whether or not they cover the medical costs of their employees. Make sure they also provide liability insurance, which will help you recover all the expenses from the service providers if one of their workers damages your property by accident.

What’s Your Work Experience?

This is one of the most important questions to ask any service provider. Ask your next roofing company how long they have been operating in this line of work. It’s important to know because you can’t afford to risk the future of your business and employees by hiring amateur roofing contractors. Make sure the company you choose has at least 10 years of experience in commercial roofing.

Do You Provide Warranty?

Installing a new roofing system over your industrial building is one thing, but the ability to resist harsh weather conditions for many years is another. That’s why it’s imperative that you ask your commercial roofers about the number of years of warranty they will give you after installing a brand new roofing system.

Dependable commercial roofing services give their customers 10 to 25 years of defect-free warranty for each roof they install.

Do You Provide Written Estimates?

Price is also an important thing to consider when hiring new industrial roofing contractors. It’s vital that you know exactly how much it will cost you to install a new roof or repair the existing roof on your building. For this reason, it is imperative to ask your next industrial roofers whether they will provide you with a written estimate so that you are not overcharged.

Stahl Roof Systems is a commercial roofing expert in Edmonton, Alberta. Visit our website to learn more or contact us for a free estimate.


