Benefits Of Industrial Roofing Restoration

November 3, 2022


A roofing system is perhaps the most vital part of any property, whether it is commercial, residential, or industrial. Professional roofing contractors in Edmonton are capable of handling all types of roofing systems and helping you maintain them in the best possible condition.

Once you have installed an industrial roofing system, you can expect to enjoy its benefits for a long period of time. However, it is likely to get damaged and worn out with time, due to which you will have to get it restored.

Not many people realize the true significance of industrial roofing restoration and how it can help them save a lot of money. Let’s explore the benefits of industrial roofing restoration in detail.

What Is Industrial Roof Restoration?

Industrial roof restoration procedures involve removing rust and other types of contaminants from the roof. Different methods and strategies are used for roof restoration.

Generally, it involves using a low-pressure water jet spray to get rid of rust particles. After removing the corrosion particles with water, the roof is repainted to prevent further damage. This type of restoration is used for metal and tin roofs that are typically used in industrial and commercial settings.

Also Read: Top 4 Types Of Metal Roofing

4 The four main steps involved in roof restoration are:

  1. Remove the loose material, like rust particles, from the surface
  2. Eliminate the tar and asphalt from the metal through scraping
  3. egrease the metal to get rid of the surface coatings and minor particles
  4. Repaint the roof to ensure maximum protection

Since following these specific steps can be challenging, it is highly recommended that you rely on professional roofing contractors in Edmonton for industrial roofing installation and restoration.

4 Key Benefits Of Roof Restoration

Once you have hired the best industrial roofing contractors to restore your roofing system, you can expect to enjoy the following benefits:

1. Save Money

The cost involved in restoring the roof is significantly lesser than installing a brand-new metal roof. A lot of factors are involved in metal roof installation, such as the roof’s size, cost of the materials being used, contractor’s service fee, installation type, and other such factors.

Therefore, once you have installed an industrial roofing system, you should consider getting maintenance and restoration services from time to time to ensure the maximum efficiency and reliability of the industrial roofing.

2. Increase The Roof’s Lifespan

Installing an industrial roofing system is definitely a significant investment to make. Proper maintenance is essential to extend the lifespan of your roof so that you don’t have to install a new roof again and again.

It is highly recommended that you rely on professional industrial roofing installation and restoration services. Experts can help you through both partial roof restoration and complete roof restoration.

Partial roof restoration involves fixing a certain damaged part of the roof, while complete roof restoration involves fixing all of the roof’s components. Using sealants properly can help you to protect your metal roof from water for up to 10 years.

3. Quicker

Metal roofing restoration is much quicker and easier than removing an existing roofing system and installing a new one. Professional roofing contractors don’t have to replace the entire roofing system. Instead, they implement suitable roofing repair solutions to restore your roof to its optimum condition.

Even if a complete metal roof restoration is not possible due to some reason, you should consider getting it replaced to prevent any further damage until you are able to get a new metal roof installed.

4. Durability

A wide range of durable materials is used in industrial roofing restoration. The most common components used are stainless steel, aluminum sheet, and a sealant. A high-quality aluminum sheet is typically welded into the metal roofing panels to prevent water accumulation and ensure the roof has a smooth exterior surface.

The aluminum sheet is often welded onto the metal roofing panels to cover the seams and provide a smooth exterior surface for the metal roofing restoration project.

About Stahl Roof Systems

Stahl Roof Systems is an experienced and professional roofing company. We have a team of qualified roofing contractors in Edmonton to fulfill all of your roofing requirements. Our goal is to provide the best roofing installation, repair, and restoration services.

You can always trust us at Stahl Roof Systems to provide you with the best roofing solutions. You can contact us at any time to get help from our roofing contractors.


